Acne (Acne Vulgaris): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Acne (Acne Vulgaris): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Research has it that 3.5 million patients annually consult general practitioners in the UK for Acne. That makes Acne one of the most typical skin conditions most people experience regardless of age, race, and sex. It’s safe to say that the condition has become a massive force.

Acne is also scientifically known as ‘Acne Vulgaris.’ It’s a common skin condition that affects the forehead, face, shoulders, chest, and upper back. The symptoms of Acne are similar to the symptoms of Rosacea. Symptoms of Acne usually vary based on the severity of the condition. They include plugged pores, red bumps, inflammation, painful lumps under the skin, and many others.

The overproduction of an oily substance called sebum is the primary cause of Acne. Excessive sebum invites bacteria that cause Acne into the skin. Other acne causes include the usage of certain medications, genetics, diet, varying hormone levels, and air pollution. Stress may not directly cause Acne, but can worsen it.

How to manage Acne

Although Acne has no known cure, victims can manage its symptoms. Anyone who has Acne need not panic as there are various treatment options.

There are extensive assortments of home and medical options out there. These options are effective against acne symptoms.

Medical Remedies (Over the Counter)

Topical Antibiotics - Topical Antibiotics assist in the treatment of skin infections such as Acne. In this case, it manages the bacterium that often aggravates the swelling of Acne on the face. Hence, topical antibiotics for Acne includes erythromycin and clindamycin.

Benzoyl Peroxide - Just like topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide is effective against acne symptoms.  It eliminates bacteria and dead skin cells that plug your pores. Dryness is a common side effect. Examples of benzoyl products are Stridex, Clearasil, and many others.

Salicylic Acid - Salicylic Acid minimizes the symptoms of Acne through the exfoliation of the skin. It also guards against future breakouts. Itching is a common side effect.

Dapsone - Like Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic Acid, Dapsone has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that kill acne-causing bacteria. You can apply it to inflamed Acne. For effective results, you should use it on the affected area twice a day. 

Azelaic Acid - Azelaic Acid is an organic acid present in various grains such as wheat, barley, etc. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it effective in the treatment of Acne. The Acid can avert future breakouts and clean the bacteria that causes Acne. Inflammation is a common side effect. Finacea gel and Azelex are the two brand variants for Azelaic acid topical types.

The medications mentioned above are typically applied topically. They have a proven record. Individuals with acne conditions may require at least one or two, depending on the acuteness of their requirements.

Home Remedies

Although the medical options are helpful, not everyone can afford them. If you do not have sufficient funds to purchase them, you can opt for home remedies. Simple home remedies range from a honey mask, cucumber face pack to an oatmeal mask.

Note that not all options are suitable for everyone. So, it would help to contact a dermatologist to map out medications that match your condition. The essence is to guard against drug interactions and allergies.